單價: | 2.50元/平方米 |
發(fā)貨期限: | 自買家付款之日起 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨 |
所在地: | 直轄市 北京 北京房山 |
有效期至: | 長期有效 |
發(fā)布時間: | 2023-12-19 10:02 |
最后更新: | 2023-12-19 10:02 |
瀏覽次數(shù): | 141 |
采購咨詢: |
BBDTIMEC區(qū)(BBD共生商務區(qū)C區(qū))舊村原貌:慧萬BBD總建筑面積37585平方米,屬于老 方家村自然村原有戶籍人口236戶,舊農(nóng)混地區(qū),內(nèi)部流動人口眾多,治安管理困難,消防設施建設不到位,堆物堆料PURSUE,BUILDNDREALIZE DREAMS 現(xiàn)象普遍,安全隱患突出。村域規(guī)劃管理方家村圓夢今昔無序,私搭亂建現(xiàn)象嚴重,違章建筑眾多,房屋布局結構混亂,胡同窄處不足1米,電力、排水等市政基礎設施老化,居民生活極為不便。The original appearance of the old village in BBDTIMEC District (BBD Symbiosis Business District C): Huiwan BBD has a total construction area of 37585 square meters. It belongs to the original registered residence population of the natural village of Laofangjia Village. The old rural mixed area has a large internal floating population, difficult security management, inadequate construction of fire-fighting facilities, widespread phenomenon of stacking materials, PURSUE, BUILDNDREALIZE DREAMS, and prominent potential safety hazards. Fangjia Village, the village planning management, has realized its dream in disorder in the past and the present. There are many illegal buildings, the layout and structure of houses are chaotic, the narrow alley is less than 1 meter, the municipal infrastructure such as electricity and drainage is aging, and the residents' lives are extremely inconvenient.BBDTIMEC區(qū)(BBD共生商務區(qū)C區(qū)) 新址原貌:C地塊方家村新村原有北汽改裝廠、滑觸線廠等機械制造業(yè)、高耗能企業(yè)36家,占地9.2公頃,總建筑面積64400平方米,與民宅交錯分布,年租金740.93萬元。The original appearance of the new site of BBDTIMEC District (BBD Symbiosis Business District C): There are 36 machinery manufacturing and energy-consuming enterprises in the new village of Fangjia Village, Block C, covering an area of 9.2 hectares, with a total construction area of 64400 square meters, staggered with residential buildings, and an annual rent of 7.493 million yuan.
BBDTIMEC區(qū)(BBD共生商務區(qū)C區(qū)) 美麗鄉(xiāng)村建設: 在鄉(xiāng)黨委、鄉(xiāng)政府的大力支持下,在村黨總支的堅強領導下,2018年4月全面啟動南三村美麗鄉(xiāng)村建設,同年11月啟動南三村周轉騰退工作。方家村新村共61排,392棟,設計風格參照烏鎮(zhèn)建筑,青磚白墻,曲折有致。
BBD共生商務區(qū),BBD TIME(半壁店時代)。發(fā)起人的愿景與追求:打造"BBD TIME",是時間和時代發(fā)展的產(chǎn)物,是在特定時間、特定空間下特定人干的特定事。非常有詩意。還有一段:時空交錯、時空有交集、時空不相隔,時間為理想創(chuàng)造空間,空間亦為無限創(chuàng)造時間。實現(xiàn)發(fā)起者的終訴求:實現(xiàn)美麗BBD、魅力BBD、生態(tài)BBD、創(chuàng)新BBD、活力BBD、文化BBD。Construction of beautiful villages in BBDTIMEC District (BBD Symbiosis Business District C): With the strong support of the township party committee and the township government, and under the strong leadership of the village party branch, the construction of beautiful villages in Nansan Village was fully launched in April 2018, and the turnover and evacuation work of Nansan Village was launched in November of the same year. The new village of Fangjia Village has a total of 61 rows and 392 buildings. The design style is based on the buildings in Wuzhen, with black bricks and white walls
高碑店美麗鄉(xiāng)村方家村C地塊。東四環(huán),廣渠路,位于北京市朝陽區(qū)高碑店方家村,廣渠快速路北側(緊鄰),西店記憶文創(chuàng)小 鎮(zhèn)東側,尚帝佳創(chuàng)業(yè)園的西側,環(huán)線位置:東四環(huán)和東五環(huán)之間。北依京通快速路,南臨廣渠路,北京國際中藥港西南,快速接駁東三 、四、五環(huán),雙地鐵一號線和七號線,交通便利。